KAIKOU (邂逅) — meaning ‘encounter’ in Japanese — is a collected work of photographic images and a historical photographic process, chemigram, which I utilize to create reactions between the photographic paper and photographic chemicals.
The images in KAIKOU were created in and between my two homes, Japan and America, over the course of years, mainly during the past few years. When I faced the situation of not being able to go back to Japan during that difficult time, I started looking for familiar subjects in America that reminded me of Japan. Following the paths of light and shadow, I tried to find evidence of the existence of my home in my own fragmented memories, collecting them, and putting the pieces together to create a path that leads to a place called ‘home’.
While KAIKOU became a reflection of reminiscence and nostalgia towards my home country, it transformed into a spiritual journey populated by memories that surface between reality and illusion. It is also a reflection of a sense of emptiness, surrender and acceptance to a greater and larger force or power, such as nature and the universe.
In KAIKOU, following the path of lights and shadows, I encounter evidence of the existence of my home within my own fragmented memories.